BigSister Mail Queue monitor -------------------------------- This monitor uses the BigSister New Agent infrastructure and as such needs a DESCR entry in uxmon-net for the mail server you want to monitor. For more information check the NEWAGENT file that comes with your BigSister package. Parameters ---------- mqcmd: string mailq command to run (default mailq) warn : integer number of queued messages to issue a warning (default 500) fail : integer number of queued messages to issue a failure (default 750) Use --- The Mail Queue monitor checks the length of the sendmail or postfix mail queue and reports a warning or failure when this value exceeds the warn or fail limits. If the mailq command is installed in a non-standard path, you can specify it as an option. This can help also if you use an other MTA than sendmail or postfix, as long as the mailq command specified generates a similar output to the sendmail mailq command, it should run ok but I haven't tested it. The monitor reports the number of queued messages as performance data. Examples -------- DESCR features=unix,linux localhost localhost warn=2000 fail=2500 mailq # warning if the number of queued messages > 2000, failure if messages > 2500 localhost mqcmd=/usr/lib/sendmail/mailq mailq # use the /usr/lib/sendmail/mailq command as mail queue command