BigSister Oracle monitor ------------------------ This monitor uses the BigSister New Agent infrastructure and as such needs a DESCR entry in uxmon-net for the mail server you want to monitor. For more information check the NEWAGENT file that comes with your BigSister package. The monitor uses sqlplus. If it isn't installed on your BigSister server, you can install Oracle Instantclient which is freely available from Oracle. Parameters ---------- user : string user name (default SCOTT) password: string password (default TIGER) database: string database connection string as defined in tnsnames.ora Use --- In order to be able to connect to a remote Oracle instance the database connection string has to be defined in tnsnames.ora (usually /etc/tnsnames.ora, but any location sqlplus where can find it is ok). A sample connection string definition looks like : DBASE1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ) ) We'll use this sample connection string in the exsamples below. The monitor tries to connect to the Oracle server and generates an failure notice if this failes. If it succeeds it will try to execute a fairly standard query (SELECT table_name, tablespace_name FROM user_tables) and measures the response time. The response time is reported as performance data. Examples -------- DESCR features=unix,linux database=dbase1 oracle # check the dbase1 database instance on the oracl server using user SCOTT and # password TIGER database=dbase2 user=winnie password=pooh oracle # check the dbase2 database instance on the oracl server using user winnie and # password pooh